Hello, Muse! Welcome to the Workout tracker.

In this page, I will walk you through the template and help you get started from scratch.

I always recommend people to duplicate the page that is empty by right clicking and choosing duplicate so that you have a backup.

That way, you can screw up freely if it’s the case 😅

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Table of contents:

Planning workouts

To plan a workout, you can choose from one of the buttons that are included in the menu.

Pressing the button will create an entry on the Planner database, and it will include a “Today” date which can be changed later.

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Once you’ve pressed the button, the page will open on side peek and you will be able to add your exercises.

To add exercises, simply click on the list under “Order”.

Feel free to add, edit or remove the buttons. They are quite easy to configure, and remember, you can start over :)

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Exercise order is important while working out (a lot of beginners don’t know this), so I like to organise that and stick to it as much as possible.

Fill in the database as according to your plan.

If you don’t have a plan, consider using one of the ChatGPT prompts included in the main page if you can’t afford a trainer yet.

One recommendation I have is to keep the workout tables organised (pictures below). By default, all databases will not have a name and the date is by default @today. You can click on the and choose Edit database title. I like to keep the database and the page name the same, so I simply paste the page name on the database title.

I use the following format: Body part + date . You can add a date by typing @ and Month + Day at the end of title.

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