Welcome to the version 2.0 of StudyOS! 🎉
In this page, I will walk you through the bits and pieces of the template.
To add a new subject, simply click on the button “New subject” on the quick actions menu.
You can also choose to add an objective that is already active by clicking on the “New” on the Active subjects database view.
This is best by opening a subject and clicking on “New task” button on the right. You can also use the big new button to add the task automatically as active.
You can also use the Quick actions menu.
Inside a subject, you can add a study session using the button “New study session”. Once you’ve filled the options, the time will start automatically counting.
To add a new exam, you can automatically add with the button on the subject itself or using the quick actions menu.
→ The difference is always that the quick actions doesn’t automatically add a subject as opposed to the button inside a subject.